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A year in industry with Biodiverse Consulting

Madeline is currently in the midst of a Zoology degree at Newcastle University, and as part of her course, she has chosen to strengthen her career prospects as a project coordinator here at Biodiverse Consulting. 

We chatted with Madeline Money, our new student recruit, to discuss how she’s finding her year in industry with Biodiverse Consulting. 

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A year in industry with Biodiverse Consulting

Tell us a little bit about you and your role

I started working with Biodiverse Consulting in July of this year. Initially, I was unsure of what my year would look like, but I’m pleased that our founder Vicki has appointed me the role of project coordinator. This essentially means I have an overview, organising the diverse range of projects Biodiverse Consulting undertakes. My tasks can be administrative, like sorting data into folders and doing research, but I also get the opportunity to support with bat, butterfly, and bird surveys. I feel as though I truly get the best of both worlds, I’m able to see what goes on behind the scenes and still be part of the action!

What attributes do you think you need to be successful in your industry?

You certainly need a passion for our environment and a vested interest in protecting it from depletion. However, you must also want to see development and progress go ahead. If you don’t have this passion for business and biodiversity, it won’t inspire you enough to want to get up at 4am to go on a survey.

I also think it's important to have a keen interest in a certain species. For example, if you’re interested in butterflies, you will be driven to lead on butterfly surveys and butterfly conservation measures. The ability to finesse your skills in a certain area is essential to staying focused. 

What does a typical day look like for you?

It’s very mixed. Some days I work from home or the office and I’ll be on the computer writing reports for the company. And other days, I’ll be up at 8am and out for the full day helping survey sites. We’ve had full weeks doing projects at the coastline and enjoying the great outdoors, which is always fun and interesting. 

It's important to note that Biodiverse Consulting is really flexible, we can clock off early if we have a bat survey at night and come in a little later the next morning, which enables a good work life balance.  It’s not your typical day job; we work around our tasks, rather than working on a set to-do list from 9-5. 

What has been your highlight so far?

Definitely the dune surveys. Spending a full day at the Northumberland coastlines and being able to say you’ve been at work is a great feeling. I enjoy being out and about in nature, so I can genuinely say I have a great deal of job satisfaction.

What is the best part of working at Biodiverse Consulting? 

There is a really strong and supportive team. There are quite a few graduate students who have followed a similar path to me, so I feel very comfortable that we’re all in the same boat. It’s also truly collaborative. Everyone from Laura, our business administrator to our founder, Vicki, is always keen to help, and no question is a silly question. 

Do you have any advice for someone interested in becoming an ecologist?

Experience is everything. As much as I had an idea of what to expect from the job, it’s also nothing like I expected, which is a good thing as it’s been better than I could have thought.

It’s such a niche area of work, a novice might get a bit of a culture shock due to the hours and shift times, so I’d definitely advise getting a taste for it before you dive into the industry headfirst. This has worked out well for me, because now I know it’s definitely right for me!

What are three words you would use to describe Biodiverse Consulting?

Dynamic, enterprising, and supportive.

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